Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finally have spent some time in the last few weeks working on the boat and am starting to get some done! I have a bunch of photos so i will let them do the talking.  Also my beer and hour count is updated!  

Decided to do a two part seat so when the boat is heeled and i am hiking its more comfortable. 

Ian testing the seat

Back angle.

Front Angle

Rough Fit of cedar strip and top pieces.

Test fit was a success

Glued up.

Sanded Smooth

Yes this is a beer tap installed i mean why not? 

Ian Snagging some of his homebrew from the tap.

Nick getting a drink.  Needless to say we didnt get much done this night. 

Ground down the inside of the cedar strip side pieces. 
Dusty as shit.

Learned my lesson from sanding cedar.  I left this thing on all night so i was able to breathe for the rest of the week. 

Cockpit seat / side panels fitted and done.  

Floor cut and fit.

Bow Sprit hole drilled.  Building a similar articulating setup to the PDX guys with a bit of my own twist using arched harken track and foam.  More on this in the next few weeks. 

A few pics from Heineken High Preforamnce Dinghy Open. 

Sailing day 1 over.  Free Heineken starts now. 

Not hiking hard enough and getting a tan line from my Merica headband. 

Nearing windward mark frigging two boat lengths behind Ben. 

My Soling and PHRF team cleaning house at the fall banquet. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ready for Deck!

The Stringers and floor supports are installed and the back two sections are sealed and i am now ready to start building the back deck.

Dry fitting everything

I used single stringers from floor to hull in order to add allot of forward aft strength to the boat.  This makes it much harder for the boat to flex along the rocker. 

Sheer Clamp installed and seat modified a bit to make it more comfortable to hike. 

I centerd the front two stringers to land behind the keel box figuring that's where the most pressure on the boat and having those stringers hit the back of the keel box directly will take pressure off the frame.  If they were offset it would cause the frame itself to take the pressure.