Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Keel Fairing DONE!... Kinda

I finished the first round of fairing on my keel foil.  I can now pass the template the entire way down the foil.  Also we cut the notches in each side to lay the 4"x1/8" carbon strips down each side.

My friend Ben from Newengland Boat Works stoped by to give me a few pointers and get his sand on.

Fairing with a good longboard and 32 grit paper does quick work.

Cutting the slices in for the the carbon strips.

This is by far the coolest tool ever for this job!

Ben Hand Planing off the extra material left behind by his Track Saw.

Next step.  Fill that hole with Uni Carbon!

I will say just talking with someone for a few hours who is an experienced performance boat builder and knowlageble with carbon and fiberglass was a HUGE help.  I got allot of good ideas and am excited to get my hull under way!

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