Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Swimming in Epoxy

Well we got the Keel Foil laminated last night i definatly recommend you do this with at least one other person.  I did it with a friend of mine and it still was a huge amount of epoxy and filler and just a lot to handle by yourself.

This Link is a great article on building a foil.  This is what i used to direct my build and definatly recommend reading it.

Brad Spreading out the West Systems High Denity filler. 

Wood is notched for the 6' stainless 1/2" rod then filled with epoxy and high density filler.

All Glued up.

We gave up on this race at the upwind mark and started drinking.  Then we caught a awesome shift and ended up winning.  Thought it only be right to drink out of the cup we won while drinking.

Hours: 23
Total Hours So Far: 101
Beer: 18
Total Beer So far: 41

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